Office Jakarta pada: Hari/Tanggal : Selasa / 20 Feb 2018, Jam : 09:00 – 12:00 Hrs,Tempat : Kantor ILO Jakarta, Menara Thamrin 22nd Floor, Jl. M.H.Thamrin Kav 03, Jakarta 10250.
1. ILO National Project Officer Ms Among Resi
2. ILO Rep. (the researcher) Prof Vasco (Ahli Hukum Laut dari Universitas Lisboa, Portugal)
3. General Chairman CIMA Gatot Cahyop Sudewo, SE, MM.Tr
4. General Chairman ISMAA DR. Tohana, SE, MM
5. Head of Fisheries Div. APINDO Thomas Darmawan
6. Communication & Training Officer AP2HI Ilham Alhaq
7. Secretary General ASTUIN DR. Imron Natsir, MM
FGD Objectives:
The meeting aims to supports the study, with the specific objectives to:
1. Synthesize existing literature on C188 (Convention 188 – Convention Concerning
Work In The Fishing Sector) gaps analysis in Indonesia
2. Identify the provisions of P29 (Protocol to Convention 29 – Protocol to the forces
Labour convention, 1930, Adopted by the conference at its one hundred and
Third ssseion, Geneva, 11 June 2014 that are already reflected in the law and
Practice, as well as the provisions of P029 that would require changes to law and practice
To ensure compliance
3. Highlight commonalities, if any, between Indonesia, Thailand, and the Philippines in
Relation to existing law and practice